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Opening hours

Open everyday by appointment.


Cooking recipe in Champagne

Cooking recipes made with Champagne.

Soupe Champenoise

The "Soupe Champenoise", or Champagne Soup, is a refreshing drink, quick and easy to prepare.

Champagne cake

The "greetings cake" of garpe-pickers.

Black grapes jelly from Champagne

Come and pickup the last bunch of grapes after the harvest.

Coq au Champagne

A traditional recipe

Royal Mojito

A very refreshing and classy cocktail to drink in the summer.  

Scallops with a creamy Champagne sauce

A tasty recipe to impress your guests!  

Champagne risotto

The risotto recipe with Champagne. A rich and smooth taste.  

Champagne cupcakes

Cupcakes with Champagne frosting. A tasty and sparkling recipe.
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Champagne FRESNE Emilien

4 rue Eugène Moussé

+33 3 26 58 10 54
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Opening hours

Open everyday by appointment.

Champagne FRESNE Emilien   Champagne FRESNE Emilien

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Champagne Emilien FRESNE - 4 rue Eugène Moussé 51700 CUISLES
Tél. - Mob. : - Tva. : FR18394304323 - RCS : RCS Reims 394304323
- Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health, consume in moderation -
© 2003-2025 Champagne Emilien FRESNE - Réalisation enovanet - Moteur eChampagne - 3 visiteurs connectés.