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Opening hours

Open everyday by appointment.


How to meet us

Our Champagne House is located at 25km of Reims, 110km of Paris, and 80km of Disneyland. The A4 highway's 21st exit (Dormans) is at 7km of Cuisles.


Cuisles is a village in Champagne located in the Marne Valley. It is part of the Montagne de Reims Regional Natural Park.

Come and discover our region which changes every season: from the beauty of frost during winter, to the gorgeous autumn colors to the numerous green tones in spring and in summer.

Champagne landscapes are listed as UNESCO’s World Heritage since 2015.

Champagne FRESNE Emilien

4 rue Eugène MOUSSE

Tél. : +33 3 26 58 10 54

Opening hours

Open everyday by appointment.

GPS location : 49.1320751 - 3.7736686

Overland :
Highway A4 Paris-Reims-Metz-Nancy, exit Dormans

By train :
Station of Paris Gare de l’Est direction Epernay, stop Dormans

Other usefull information


“La porte oubliée” – Chatillon sur Marne

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Champagne FRESNE Emilien

4 rue Eugène Moussé

+33 3 26 58 10 54
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Opening hours

Open everyday by appointment.

Champagne FRESNE Emilien   Champagne FRESNE Emilien

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Champagne Emilien FRESNE - 4 rue Eugène Moussé 51700 CUISLES
Tél. - Mob. : - Tva. : FR18394304323 - RCS : RCS Reims 394304323
- Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health, consume in moderation -
© 2003-2025 Champagne Emilien FRESNE - Réalisation enovanet - Moteur eChampagne - 1 visiteur connecté.