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Coq au Champagne
A traditional recipe
Préparation pour 8 personnes.
A farm rooster or a poulard, 50g butter, 6 shallots, 2 teaspoons of flour, 5cl Marc de Chamapgne, 250g mushrooms, 25cl fresh cream, 3 egg yolks.
Cut the rooster in 8 equal parts. Put the shallots with butter and flour and cook until slightly brown. Once they are done add salt and pepper and mix it with the Marc.
Pour a bottle of Champagne gradually and let it cook over medium-high heat in an uncovered pot or pan for 20 minutes. Turn the heat to low and wait for another 15 minutes.
Wash the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Cook the slices some butter and add them to the pot. Cook the whole mixture for 10 more minutes.
Add fresh cream and the egg yolks to the sauce. The sauce has to be blond and smooth.
Champagne conseillé