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Champagne cupcakes
Cupcakes with Champagne frosting. A tasty and sparkling recipe.
Préparation pour 4 personnes.
For the cupcakes:
- 80g flour
- 50g sugar
- 50g melted butter
- 1 big egg or 2 small eggs
- 5cl milk
- 1/2 vanilla sugar packet or 1/2 a spoon of vanilla extract
- 1/4 baking powder
- 1/2 pinch of salt
For the Champagne frosting:
- 90ml Champagne
- 125g butter
- 200g confectioner's sugar
- 1/2 spoon of vanilla extract
- 1/2 pinch of salt
In a large bowl mix the melted butter with the sugar. Add in the egg.
In another bowl, mix the flour, the baking powder, the salt and the vanilla. Incorporate the mixture to the first mixture little by little while stiring with a whisk. Add the milk.
Pour the mixture in cupcakes molds and bake on 180°C for 15 to 20 minutes. Let it cool before adding the frosting.
Champagne frosting:
Bring the Champagne to a boil in a small pot. Let it cook for about 10 minutes until it reduces by 1/3. Let it cool to room temperature.
Whisk the butter with an electric whisk for 3 minutes until it has a smooth concistancy. Add in little by little the sugar while keeping on mixing. Then add the Champagne with a spoon: adjust the quantity so that it stays smooth. If it turns too liquid, you can add some maïzena and keep on whisking. Add the salt and put it to the refregirator for a few hours.
Last step: put the frosting on the cupcakes and enjoy!