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Chocolate Charlotte and pink biscuits

A regional recipe

Préparation pour 6 personnes.


  • A pack of pink biscuits
  • 160 g chocolate
  • A small amount of brandy
  • 80 g sugar
  • 60 g butter
  • 4 eggs



It tastes better when consumed the following day.

Gently wet the biscuits in brandy. Butter a charlotte mold and put the pink biscuits Fossier in the bottom and on the edges of the mold (with the sweet part facing inside).

For the chocolate cream: put 160 g chocolate in a bain-marie until melt, add in 80 g sugar, 60 g melted butter and 4 egg yolks. Leave the cream to rest for 15 minutes then beat the egg whites until soft peaks form and add them in.

To make it easier we can replace the cream with a chocolate mousse.

Put this cream in the mold in three times, cover with something heavy and place it in the fridge overnight.

To unmold it, slightly dip the mold in hot water.

For gourmets, we can add custard on top of the charlotte.

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Champagne FRESNE Emilien

4 rue Eugène Moussé

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- Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health, consume in moderation -
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