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Sécateur d'Or 2024

The "Sécateur d'Or 2024" won by Evan Fresne following the vine pruning competition in Champagne.

A wonderful recognition for the new generation!

We are incredibly proud to share that Evan, son of Florent and grandson of Emilien, has won the "Sécateur d'Or 2024". Following the annual vine pruning competition in Champagne, a ceremony was held to celebrate the winners who distinguished themselves in their respective categories.

This award symbolizes the balance between tradition and innovation, values that have always guided our company.

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Champagne FRESNE Emilien

4 rue Eugène Moussé

+33 3 26 58 10 54
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Champagne Emilien FRESNE - 4 rue Eugène Moussé 51700 CUISLES
Tél. - Mob. : - Tva. : FR18394304323 - RCS : RCS Reims 394304323
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© 2003-2025 Champagne Emilien FRESNE - Réalisation enovanet - Moteur eChampagne - 2 visiteurs connectés.